Angel and Blue Bell live together here at Masleña Rescue and they share the same story. Angel is a medicine hat mare (a medicine hat horse is a pinto horse. Pintos are horses characterized by alternations of white and dark patches on the coat) and Blue Bell is a blue roan gelding. Their story starts in North Dakota, where they entered the world as Premarin foals. The term comes from the hormone replacement therapy drugs Premarin and Prempro. A mare is taken and impregnated to increase estrogen levels in the urine. The mares are put on a catheter and restricted to a stall during their pregnancy. When the babies are born they are generally sold to slaughter right away and the mare is impregnated once again. Angel and Blue Bell were destined for slaughter. They were rescued and lived with a neighbor down the road for about 10 to 11 years. Jeff received a call from this neighbor one day asking if we could take her horses. She was moving and was unable to find a place that would allow her to take the horses with her. We told her we would be happy to take them and on July 4, 2018, the neighbor walked the horses to Masleña Rescue. The moment their hooves stepped across our gate they entered their forever home. Today they thrive in our care and in the care of the herd. They have both given us their trust and we’ve grown closer, even to the point of being able to saddle up both horses.
At present, Angel is in the process of being saddle-trained. She’s her own horse and is a look-out for the herd–her head is always above the rest. She’s acutely aware of the world around her and has a strong presence about her.  Her unusual markings and light eyes make her one of the loveliest horses on the ranch.
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