When you donate to Masleña Rescue Foundation, you are helping to buy hay, feed, medicine, supplements, and supplies that go directly toward caring for the animals.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your donations are tax deductible.
Monetary donations are gratefully accepted and have a profoundly positive impact on the lives of our animals. We welcome cash, PayPal, online donations through our website, or checks.
Do not underestimate how far even a small amount goes in helping residents. Even a bag of apples can make their day special.
There are several ways to share in our mission:
Mailing cash or checks:
Make checks payable to:
Maslena Rescue Foundation
21 Locust Hill Road
Tijeras, NM 87059
Donate online:
You do not need a PayPal account to securely use a debit or credit card.
All Donations help and go directly to the care of the animals! You can click the boxes, click the QR codes, or scan them using your phone for an easy way to donate! We appreciate you!